To the Best Friend I Had to Let Go
I've wanted to write this for a long time now. I think a lot of people have gone through losing a best friend. I've certainly lost my fair share. This one was different. This was the first time I ended a friendship. With my previous friendships, I had been mistreated and forgotten like I didn't matter. I was the one who was hurt and spent a lot of time wondering what I did wrong and why I wasn't a good enough friend anymore. In retrospect, the loss of those friendships made me the person I am now. I've had some really great friendships and some really crappy ones. I would like to believe that I am a pretty good friend. If you're important to me then I will do absolutely anything for you. I'm known to be a pretty 'extra' person and that is pretty accurate in all aspects of my life. Exhibit A being planning to surprise my BFF for her 17th birthday by showing up to her house at an insanely early hour in the morning with presents, cake, pizza (for b...